Every CEO knows about cybersecurity these days. You’ve heard of it, you’ve thought about it, and you may even have fallen victim to it. But did you know that C-level executives are most likely to be targeted in cyber attacks?

You should have company-wide cybersecurity protocols and training in place, but they have to start at the top. CEOs, COOs, CFOs, and all the other executives need to be the most prepared when it comes to cyber-attacks.

Here are the top five most common cybersecurity mistakes CEOs are making in 2022.

Ignore Cyber Security Until It Becomes a Problem

Mike Tyson famously said, “Everyone has a plan, until they get punched in the mouth.” Falling victim to a cybersecurity attack can certainly feel like you just got an uppercut punch, so you need to stay ahead of the curve and prevent hackers from making contact.

Cybersecurity should be an ongoing concern and conversation among executives in your company. If you have an in-house IT department or a managed IT provider, you need to stay on top of them to make sure that your business is constantly upgraded to the highest security standards available.

Mix Personal and Business Accounts

We get it, being an executive can really blur the lines between business and personal. However, you need to make sure that you do not mix personal and business accounts, softwares, and hardware.

Logging into your CRM or work email from a personal (or any unsecured) device may jeopardize the security protocols put in place by your IT department.

Do the Bare Minimum to Comply With Security Standards

Just because you have a security protocol in place does not mean that it is enough to keep you ahead of the curve. You always want to go above and beyond when it comes with security protocols.

Keep in mind that hackers are constantly working to crack the latest security standards. If you’re barely meeting the security standards, you’re playing catch-up.

Forget to Install Most Updated Security Patches

Updating your security with the latest security patches is one of the easiest things you can do for cybersecurity—and also one of the easiest to overlook. Problems like the 2021 Microsoft Exchange hack can often be resolved by installing a single security patch. And yet, many people, including CEOs, fail to update their systems.

Do Not Enforce Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication can prevent hackers from accessing important servers, emails, and software, even if they have passwords. Most two-step authentication protocols will require the following steps:

  1. Enter the correct username and password.
  2. Enter a text verification code sent to the account’s mobile number.

This is highly effective at preventing hackers from accessing private accounts.

Hire an Experienced IT Firm for Cybersecurity Support

In 2022, hiring just any IT firm won’t cut it. You need to hire a firm that understands that hackers are constantly finding more sophisticated hacking techniques. At ComTech Systems, we work every day to offer our clients the most cutting-edge cybersecurity technology. We work with firms in the Washington, DC area, so contact us today if you’re interested in improving your company’s cybersecurity.ches

Updating your security with the latest security patches is one of the easiest things you can do for cybersecurity—and also one of the easiest to overlook. Problems like the 2021 Microsoft Exchange hack can often be resolved by installing a single security patch. And yet, many people, including CEOs, fail to update their systems.