At ComTech Cloud, we believe that VoIP is the ideal commercial phone solution for businesses of any size. However, that doesn’t mean it’s completely free of problems. If you ever experience any of the following issues, feel free to use these troubleshooting tips!
If ComTech Cloud is your commercial VoIP provider and you need immediate assistance with your phones, contact us online or give us a call at [phone]!
Issue #1: Bandwidth
If you’re experiencing choppy voices or delays over the phone, you may have a bandwidth problem. First, check your equipment to make sure all of it is working properly. Even a damaged wire can cause issues that mimic bandwidth problems. Try resetting your equipment to see if that will renew the proper speed. If neither of these tricks work, your bandwidth is most likely the problem.
Despite the common assumption that this points to a weak internet connection or an overload of network traffic, the real culprit is usually an all-consuming application or incorrect compression code. If your guilty pleasure or stress reliever at work is a computer game, that gaming application may be the cause of your speaking delays.
In order to remedy this, try the following:
- Turn off all computers connected to your network.
- Test your bandwidth speed.
- Check the bandwidth usage of your active applications.
- Test for malware.
- Configure your router to prioritize voice applications.